Hey! Looking for a contest? Guess what we got another great one for you. Its back! You're favorite and most requested contest, the header contest! Everyone seems to love designing these days, so what better way to spice up the blog?
This header must be 850 x 340, and have the words Fantage Ring Pops. We are looking for a header that has fall written all over it, with colors, and more! Use your creative mind, and create something modern. Please don't add pictures of any fantage characters, because it is known as self promotion. You may leave your artist signature in the right hand bottom corner, it in the font size of 9. Contest ends September 15st. Submit your entries to fantageringpops@yahoo.com
Now your probably like, wait hold up. Whats the prize? Don't worry we got you covered! Your header will be displayed for 1 week (or more), and you will be moderator for 1 week. Termination of position can take place if rules are not followed.
So what are you waiting for? Go make a header!
Template :
Nice Blog! Looks studding.